Wide Format Online magazine is the industry’s largest read in the Australia and New Zealand region and has undergone a major upgrade this last week.

Finally we can unveil the new look magazine this week. The magazine retains the successful template but with a much tighter feel about it.

The display area has been increased slightly allowing for a broader presentation and wider editorial columns.

The Forum has been a weak point of the magazine. The Forum module that we used was not very user friendly and we had several complaints that people WFOL logostruggled to register in order to post a comment or question.

The new Forum module is far more user friendly and we would encourage you to actively participate in the various discussions that are taking place.

The popular Directories now includes an additional one called “Find A Designer”. We have received several calls from wide format users looking for designers to help them create artwork for their clients. You will find this directory useful when sourcing a designer in your area, or your client’s area. All our directories are sorted in postal code order.

If you feel the new look magazine needs further tweaking, etc., please feel free to call us or email us with your suggestion. Phone 07 3863 2822 or email brian@wideformatonline.com.
The existing magazine template will be replaced later this year with a new template that will provide even more opportunities for both our readers and advertisers to exploit this fast growing magazine.

Wide Format Online magazine

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