In a move which is sure to delight those intending to attend PrintEx11 in Sydney next May, the exhibition’s Board has announced that it will feature a Forum Series similar to the overwhelmingly popular series run at PacPrint09.

PrintEx11 Chairman Mitch Mulligan says it will form an important feature of the exhibition, to be held at the Sydney Convention & Exhibition Centre at Darling Harbour from 4-6 May 2011.

“The industry in Australia is on the brink of an exciting time,” Mulligan says, “with improving economic conditions dovetailing with exciting new technologies and sustainable approaches which could provide the ‘perfect storm’ of opportunities to ensure the success of the industry for the medium to long term.

Philip Anderson

“Knowledge is the key to equipping businesses to be as profitable and competitive in this market as they can be and the guiding principle behind the PrintEx11 Forum series will be to provide the opportunity for everyone involved in the industry to do just that.”

Once again, the Printing Industries Association of Australia (Printing Industries) has been appointed to co-ordinate the series and Philip Andersen, Chief Executive Officer of Printing Industries says his organisation is delighted to be able to play this vital role as part of its overall commitment to the exhibition and the industry.

“Educational content is vital at exhibitions like PrintEx.  Printing Industries has been a strong supporter of initiatives such as this Forum series, which enable professionals in the print and graphic communications sector to learn as much as possible about new technology, directions and related issues as they seek to compete in an ever more competitive and challenging market,” Andersen says.

While topics for the forums are yet to be finalised, they will – like the popular PacPrint09 series – be drawn from market feedback and important industry directions.

“The PrintEx Board has conducted market research to see what the industry would like to see addressed,” says Andersen, “and it’s clear that the significant and rapid technological change which is driving the industry into new and exciting areas – and which will, without question, form the basis of our ongoing survival and success –also create a raft of new challenges which may provide interesting subject matter.”

“Coupled with this are a host of related issues, including the need for print and graphic communications to continue to demonstrate its performance as a sustainable and environmentally responsible industry, the need to address and contest misconceptions about print, and the necessity of addressing the ‘flow on’ challenges which arise from a recovering market and changing customer demands.”

Mulligan agrees, saying “Issues such as print’s excellent environmental credentials and sustainability, its key role in the multi-channel marketing mix and how print is an indispensible complement to technology, will be high on the agenda when deciding on Forum topics.”

More information about the PrintEx11 Forums will be released as topics, speakers, dates and times are finalised.


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