Same week, same place (Sydney Showground, Sydney Olympic Park), so potentially some delegate crossover for those still looking to sign up for the Australia Sign and Graphic Association’s (ASGA) Make It Happen Signage Bootcamp on May 19th.

 ASGA Making it HappenASGA's Making it Happen Bootcamp takes place the day before PacPrint/Visual Impact opens 

ASGA logo
“It’s a full day and it covers everything from products and materials, to the latest innovations, to practical advice and strategies to help build business success,” explains Mick Harrold, ASGA’s President, adding: “I’ve been in the industry for many years, but when I attended one of these bootcamps in the US a few years ago, I came away with a huge amount of new knowledge and ideas, so it’s a really valuable investment whether you are new to the industry or an old hand like me.”

The bootcamp – run by the Make it Happen Signage Consultancy’s Samantha Armstrong - is an Australian first, following success in the US and UK.  ASGA SamArmstrong bootcampSamantha Armstrong will facilitate the Bootcamp

A century ago the merchant John Wanamaker complained ‘half the money I spend on advertising is wasted: the trouble is, I don’t know which half.’ This brand challenge underpins the Make It Happen Signage Bootcamp, which includes discussion and tips on brand-building and company messaging, as well as a look at the new and existing products and materials available. There is even the opportunity for delegates to try their hand at shaping and soldering their own built-up letter, to help them better understand the craftsmanship that goes into building quality signage. ​

The cost to ASGA members is $850 and there are still spaces available at ASGA Make It Happen Signage Bootcamp

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