As the countdown to FESPA Global Print Expo 2025 in Berlin commences, Justin Kirkland (newly promoted National Account Manager – Wide Format with the Fujifilm Business Innovation Australia team) and Lisa Michalanney (co-owner of Signage World in Adelaide), are busy fine-tuning their travel plans. 

 FESPA Global Print Expo 2022FESPA Global Print Expo ,Berlin, takes place 2 weeks before PacPrint, Sydney

Voted by their peers as number one and two, respectively, out of 12 benefactors of the FESPA Future Leaders Program 2024, part of their ‘paying it forward’ is to travel to Berlin - a trip subsidised by FESPA Australia - to talk about their experience with other FESPA members from around the world. Recognised as the leading 2024 FESPA Future Leader at the end of an intensive two-day workshop (facilitated by Carl Harman), Justin Kirkland is quick to point out that securing a trip to Berlin wasn’t part of his motivation ‘albeit it’s great to get the opportunity’!  
FESPA Futureleaders 2024 JustinKirklandFESPA Future leader Justin Kirkland, Fujifilm

“The fact that the program is designed to help both with professional and personal growth was a key aspect behind why I applied. Outside of work, I’ve always been involved in coaching kids’ sport and other more passive leadership roles, and at work itself, I’m naturally keen to grow professionally and go as far as I can reach, so this program seemed to approach development from both angles and the reality is that without a body like FESPA investing in this sort of opportunity, it would probably only be accessible to CEOs and company Directors.’

The program itself consists of ten highly interactive sessions, held over a busy 2-day period. Justin reflects that: “We all definitely walked away with some insights and skillsets that will set us up for life and the course has absolutely, already had a positive influence on how I interact with my team and colleagues, techniques to motivate them and to get the most out of how we work together.”

“It has also been fantastic from a pure networking perspective too. I’ve made friends with and garnered new professional relationships with the other delegates already, but to now be travelling overseas to an event like the FESPA Global Print Expo is obviously a massive additional opportunity that I never expected.”

To complete this virtuous circle of positive outcomes from the FESPA Future Leader’s program, news just in also confirms a promotion for Justin to the role as National Account Manager – Wide Format with the FUJIFILM Business Innovation Australia team.

FESPA Futureleaders 2024FESPA Future leader finalists are chosen every year and presented at the FESPA Australia annual conference
Pictured left, the 12 successful FESPA Future Leaders Program 2024 delegates were Wayne Costain from DRK LBL, Anna Di Giantomasso from IVE Group, Justin Kirkland from the FUJIFILM Business Innovation Australia team, Mary Kung from Imagebox Group, Christopher La Greca from IVE Group, Lisa Michalanney from Signage World, Will Potts from Tint Design, Rahul Reddy from IVE Group, Peter Smith from HVG Graphics Media, Ben Templeton from Durst Oceania, and Emily Watterson and Chris Williams from Cactus Imaging.


FESPA Australia is the nation’s peak body for specialty printers, promoting and representing the interests of the specialty printing and graphic imaging industry. 36 potential future leaders have now undertaken the FESPA Future Leaders Program.

FESPA Australia

FUJIFILM Australia



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