One of the industry's favourite tools for design and file output has been updated. Here is a list of what is new in this edition.

From organizing project assets and accessing the suite’s vast content library anywhere that you have an internet connection, to more quickly identifying available formatting options and removing unwanted areas in photos, CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X6 offers several workflow innovations that help you be more efficient and productive.
New! Multiple trays in Corel® CONNECT™
Corel® CONNECT™ X6 now lets you work with several trays concurrently, which gives you increased flexibility for organizing assets for multiple projects. Trays help you gather content from various folders or online sources, and are shared between CorelDRAW, Corel PHOTO-PAINT, and Corel CONNECT.
With the ability to maintain multiple trays, you could use separate trays for disparate types of content. For example, you might be working on a project that requires photos, vector graphics, and bitmap icons. By keeping these types of content in separate trays, you can organize project assets for efficient discovery. As an added convenience, you can open files from the tray to get a full-size preview. You can also rename trays or change the default folder to which trays are saved.
New! Search capability in Corel® CONNECT™
The new Corel CONNECT search toolbar lets you instantly extract images from a client’s web site. You simply type a web address in the Search box and Corel CONNECT immediately gathers all images defined with an HTML <img> tag from the web site, making it quick and easy to leverage content assets from online sources. You can also type search terms or a folder path to have Corel CONNECT scour your computer, network, or other online resources for content.
New and enhanced! Online content
The refined Corel CONNECT provides users with CorelDRAW memberships quick and easy access to all CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X6 content, while also helping you to acquire additional content from online vendors. Membership with CorelDRAW is free and is your gateway to a tremendous content library, the latest service packs and hot fixes, and more.
The suite’s content library includes:
• more than 10,000 high-quality clipart images
• several pro-level OpenType font families
• more than 200 content-ready picture frames
• a collection of pattern fills
• more than 2,000 photos
• hundreds of professionally-designed templates, and more.
New! Object Properties docker
In CorelDRAW X6, the redesigned Object Properties docker now presents only object-dependent formatting options and properties. By grouping all object settings in one location, this time-saving docker helps you fine-tune your designs faster than ever before.For example, if you create a rectangle, the Object Properties docker automatically presents outline, fill, and corner formatting options, as well as the rectangle’s properties. If you create a text frame, the docker will instantly display character, paragraph, and frame formatting options, as well as the text frame’s properties.
New! Smart CarverIn Corel PHOTO-PAINT X6, the new Smart Carver makes it easy to remove unwanted areas from a photo and simultaneously adjust the photo’s aspect ratio. For example, you might want to define an area of a photo that you would like to keep or remove, such as a person in the photo. The versatile Object Removal brush lets you choose to paint either the area of the photo that you want to preserve or the area that you want to remove.
You can also use the Smart Carver to change a photo’s aspect ratio without distorting anything in the photo. For example, if you want to resize a photo to print at a certain size, you can paint the photo’s subjects and then use the Smart Carving presets to contract or expand the photo’s background vertically and horizontally.
New! Shape tools
CorelDRAW X6 introduces four additional shaping tools that provide new creative options for refining your vector objects. The new Smear tool lets you shape an object by pulling extensions or making indents along its outline. The size of the brush nib and the Pressure setting let you control the intensity of the effect, and you can choose between smooth curves or curves with sharp corners. Alternatively, you can use the pressure of your digital pen to determine the intensity of the smear effect.
The new Twirl tool lets you apply twirl effects to objects. The size of the brush nib lets you determine the size of the twirls, and the Rate setting lets you control the speed of the effect. You can also choose either a counterclockwise or a clockwise twirl.
In addition, you can use the new Attract and Repel tools to shape curves by attracting nodes or by pushing nodes away from other nodes in close proximity. To control the shaping effect, you can vary the size of the brush nib and the speed at which the nodes are attracted or repelled.
New! Create clip mask
With Corel PHOTO-PAINT X6, you can now apply a clip mask on a group of objects without modifying the individual objects within the group. For example, you can adjust transparency levels for the whole group without altering the pixels of the individual objects.
New! Pass Through Merge Mode
Corel PHOTO-PAINT X6 introduces a new Pass Through Merge Mode that you can apply to groups, which gives you more control when applying a lens or effect. For example, if you turn on Pass Through, the lens or effect will apply to all objects, including those layered below the group.
New & Enhanced! Multi-core processor support
CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X6 has been optimized for the latest multi-core processors. The increased support lets you keep working while the suite performs resource-intensive tasks in the background. The result is fast and responsive performance, which means less waiting when you export files, print multiple documents, or copy and paste large objects.
New! Native 64-bit support
CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X6 provides full support for 64-bit processors, which lets you work faster than ever before with large files in CorelDRAW and large images in Corel PHOTO-PAINT.
Enhanced! Adobe® CS5 and Microsoft® Publisher 2010 support
The enhanced import and export support for Adobe® Illustrator® CS5, Adobe® Photoshop® CS5, and Microsoft® Publisher 2010, as well as import support for Adobe® Acrobat® X, ensure that you can exchange files with colleagues and clients.
Enhanced! Adobe® Plug-in support
CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X6 now supports both 32- and 64-bit plug-ins for Adobe Photoshop.
New! SWiSH miniMax3
With SWiSH miniMax3, you can quickly and easily create stunning interactive animations, banners, and more.
Create layouts with ease
With new and improved Master Layer functionality, new temporary Alignment Guides, new advanced OpenType support, and enhanced complex script support for working with foreign language text, CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X6 makes it easier than ever before to lay out your project.
New and enhanced! Master Layers
With CorelDRAW X6, the new and improved odd, even, and all-pages Master Layers make it easier to create page-specific designs for your multi-page documents. If you are laying out multi-page documents, such as brochures and flyers, it’s now a breeze to incorporate page-specific headers, footers, and page numbers. For example, you might want a different header design to appear on even pages than the one that appears on odd pages.
New! Page numbering
With CorelDRAW X6, the new Insert Page Number command helps you instantly add page numbers on all pages of a document, starting on a specific page, or starting at a particular number. This flexibility is ideal for working with multiple CorelDRAW files that will eventually become a single publication.
You can choose from alphabetic, numeric, or roman formats, and you can display page numbers in lower or upper case lettering. In addition, page numbers are automatically updated when you add or delete pages in your document. You can also insert a page number inside existing artistic or paragraph text.
New! Alignment Guides
With CorelDRAW X6, the new Alignment Guides help you position objects more quickly, appearing on the fly with suggested alignments to the existing artwork on your page. These temporary guidelines appear when you create, resize, or move objects in relation to the center or edges of other nearby objects. Alignment Guides interactively connect the centers and the edges of objects, and you also can choose to display Alignment Guides from the edges of one object to the center of another object.
You can modify the default settings for Alignment Guides to suit your needs. For example, if you were working with a group of objects, you could display Alignment Guides for individual objects within the group, or for the bounding of the group as a whole. In addition, you can specify margins for Alignment Guides to help you align objects at a set distance. You can also choose to display the Alignment Guides to follow the margins only, or to follow the actual edges of the object.
New! Interactive frames
CorelDRAW X6 provides interactive frames that help you efficiently generate mock-ups of design ideas. The new empty PowerClip and text frame functionality lets you populate your designs with placeholder PowerClip and text frames, which makes it easier to preview a layout before finalizing its individual content components.
With CorelDRAW X6, you can also now drag content over a PowerClip frame, and then choose either to add the content to the frame or to replace any existing frame content. PowerClip frames also now give you the option of centering content within the frame or scaling content to fit proportionally within the frame. In addition, you can now easily create text frames from any closed curve object, and you can then edit the frame to take on any shape imaginable.
The interactive frame functionality has also been implemented in a collection of pre-designed picture frames included with the suite, giving you stylish, content-ready design assets that you can customize with ease.
New! Placeholder textWith CorelDRAW X6, the new Insert Placeholder Text command lets you right-click any text frame and immediately populate it with placeholder text. This makes it easier to assess the appearance of your document prior to finalizing its content.
For convenience and flexibility, you can also use custom placeholder text in any language supported by CorelDRAW. You simply create an RTF file containing the text you want to use, save it to the default placeholder text folder, and CorelDRAW X6 will use that text whenever you invoke the Insert Placeholder Text command. For more information on creating a custom placeholder text file, please see the online Help.
New! Advanced OpenType® support
With CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X6, the reengineered text engine lets you take greater advantage of advanced OpenType® typography features, such as contextual and stylistic alternates, fractions, ligatures, ordinals, ornaments, small caps, swashes, and more. OpenType fonts are based on Unicode, which makes them ideal for cross-platform design work, and the extended character sets offer outstanding language support.
Accessible from the Object Properties docker, the OpenType features let you choose alternative appearances for individual characters, or glyphs, to suit your stylistic preference provided that the font supports advanced OpenType. For example, you can apply a different number, fraction, or ligature glyph to achieve a certain look for your text. In addition, with the Interactive OpenType feature, CorelDRAW X6 will suggest eligible OpenType features that you can apply to your text.
Enhanced! Complex script support
With CorelDRAW X6, the enhanced complex script support built into the overhauled text engine ensures proper typesetting for glyphs used by Asian and Middle Eastern languages.
New! Proxima FontExpert 2010
This font management utility lets you display all installed typefaces and preview uninstalled fonts, and it provides full support for both OpenType fonts and double-byte character sets.
Design with style and creativity
With its rebuilt styles engine, new Object Styles docker, new Color Styles implementation, new Color Harmony functionality, and content-ready picture frames, CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X6 helps you focus on bringing your unique sense of style and creativity to your designs.
New! Styles engine and docker
In CorelDRAW X6, the revamped styles engine introduces a new Object Styles docker that simplifies the creation, application, and management of styles. A style is a set of properties that governs the appearance of objects in your document. CorelDRAW X6 also introduces new Style Sets, which are groups of styles that make it easier to have consistent formatting across multiple objects, produce iterative versions, and apply formatting with speed and consistency.
You can create and apply Styles and Style Sets to graphic objects, artistic and paragraph text, callout and dimension objects, and objects created with Artistic Media tools. For example, you can define an outline style by specifying attributes such as outline width, color, and line type. For text objects, you can define a character style by specifying font type, font style and size, text color, background color, character position, caps and more.
With Style Sets, you can combine multiple styles, which lets you combine properties from different types of styles at the same time. For example, you could use a Style Set to define fill and outline properties for a graphic object, or you could define character and paragraph styles to set the appearance of paragraph text. This makes it faster and easier to later adjust those properties, which is especially convenient for creating iterative designs. You can also create child styles or child style sets that retain some but not all of the properties in the parent style or parent style set. This is particularly useful when working with long documents. For example, you could assign a parent character style for headings and a child character style for subheadings.
New! Color Styles
The new Color Styles docker lets you add the colors used in a document as color styles, which makes it easier than ever before to implement a color change throughout a project. To create a color style from an object, you simply drag the object onto the Color Styles docker. If you apply that color style to other objects, you can quickly change the color and have it instantly applied to all objects linked to it.
In addition, you can break the link between an object and its color style at any time, so that you can then edit the object independently. Plus, you can also convert color styles to different color modes or to spot colors to prepare your document for production printing.
New! Color HarmoniesThe new color harmony functionality lets you group a document’s color styles so that you can quickly and easily produce iterative designs with varying color schemes. By combining two or more color styles into a harmony, you are linking the colors into a hue-based relationship. This lets you modify them collectively, altering the color composition of your artwork in one step to quickly prepare a variety of alternate color schemes. You can also edit the individual color styles in a harmony.
In addition, you can also create a special type of color harmony called a gradient, which consists of one master color style and a number of varying shades of that color. When you alter the master color, the gradient colors automatically adjust to the same degree that the master color was altered. This is especially useful when outputting multiple color variations of the same design.
New! Pre-designed frames are now content-ready
With CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X6, the collection of frames included with the content library has been enhanced to support the new empty PowerClip functionality. This lets you instantly populate the frames with photos or graphics, saving you time and effort. In addition, some of the included frames are text-frame ready, so you can immediately add your own custom text message.
Enhance your suite
By taking advantage of the free CorelDRAW membership, you get anytime, anywhere access to a treasure trove of valuable content and the assurance that your suite is up-to-date.
New! CorelDRAW® membership
The new CorelDRAW membership provides complete online access to the suite’s wealth of content, the latest service packs and hot fixes, plus an opportunity to extend the value of your investment for a low yearly price. Exclusive premium content, new features, automatic upgrades to new versions, and many other benefits will be delivered to yearly members.