The Out of Home (OOH) industry has posted an increase of 7.0% on net media revenue year-on-year in the second quarter of 2017, posting $197.5 million, up from $184.6 million* for the second quarter in 2016.
“We are in the midst of a renaissance in OOH. Digital is certainly revitalising our channel, as is our audience growth and engagement,” said Charmaine Moldrich, CEO, OMA.The month of June has recorded a net media revenue of $68.8 million, an increase of 5.3% from the same month last year, which posted a net media revenue $65.4 million*. Digital revenue is sitting at 45.4% of total net media revenue year to-date, which is an increase over the recorded 37.3% for the same period last year.
“We know OOH is a significant media channel in the mix, delivering ROI and improving ROI for other media channels. OOH’s continued revenue growth reinforces these facts and proves advertisers trust OOH and what it can deliver,” continued Moldrich.
Category figures quarter two 2017**:
Roadside Billboards (over and under 25 square metres) $78.1 million
Roadside Other (street furniture, bus/tram externals, small format) $56.7 million
Transport (including airports) $31.3 million
^Retail, Lifestyle and Other $31.3 million
Category figures YTD 2017**:
Roadside Billboards (over and under 25 square metres) $155.4 million
Roadside Other (street furniture, bus/tram externals, small format) $107.8 million
Transport (including airports) $60.8 million
^Retail, Lifestyle and Other $60.2 million
OMA will be reporting revenue on a quarterly basis to be in line with other media channels. This will also ensure better trend analysis due to fluctuations in the category and in total monthly revenue figures. As a result, the next scheduled OMA revenue release will be the quarter three results which will be released on 5 October 2017.
The format of the press release will also change with the OMA providing additional figures for analysis by reporting its adjusted figures from the previous year, commencing this quarter, see below.
Category figures for quarter two 2016**:
Roadside Billboards (over and under 25 square metres) $69.7 million
Roadside Other (street furniture, bus/tram externals, small format) $53.3 million
Transport (including airports) $32.0 million
^Retail, Lifestyle and Other $29.7 million
Category figures for YTD 2016**:
Roadside Billboards (over and under 25 square metres) $136.8 million
Roadside Other (street furniture, bus/tram externals, small format) $107.0 million
Transport (including airports) $62.5 million
^Retail, Lifestyle and Other $55.0 million
* The previous year’s figures have been adjusted to reflect changes in OMA membership to allow for direct comparisons in revenue year-on-year.
^ Reported in this category are: shopping centre panels, as well as all place-based digital signs including office media – covering signs in lifts and office buildings, cafe panels, and digital screens in doctors’ surgeries and medical centres.
** Figures may not add to total due to rounding.
Outdoor Media Association