If you regularly scan our Classified ads in our twice weekly newsletters when looking for a bargain or checking out the job vacancies, you now have two options, you can either go through the listings and connect to the full ad or you can simply hit the link that takes you to our online magazine and you can view the ads as they were originally presented in full.

There are several reasons for the change to the newsletters. Firstly our advertisers have more opportunity to add more detail to the ads, including the addition of a decent sized picture since the individual ads appear on their own sheet.

Another good reason is the download speed for those with slower internet connections. Those readers should notice a faster download speed due to the smaller size of the newsletters.

Then also it gives us the opportunity to make the newsletters more attractive.

Please let us have your feedback on the magazine and the newsletters.

We hope hope you find the magazine and newsletters of value. Thanks for your readership.

If you are not receiving our free newsletters and are operating in Australia, New Zealand or the Pacific Islands and would like to be added to the distribution list, just click here.


Brian Stickland
Publisher of Wide Format Online magazine

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