As the European digital photography market matures vendors are looking for deeper analysis.

In order to drive growth in the market the needs of specific consumer segments such as early adopters, mums or hobbyists need to be understood. Because of this, InfoTrends is pleased to announce two new services that will provide in-depth, focused research on the photo capture and photo output markets.

Photo Capture Trends European Service
The Western European digital capture market is facing a period of significant change. While the digital camera market has reached maturity, phones are quickly taking the place of digital cameras for every day photos. Over the next five years, emerging technologies such as wearable cameras and augmented reality will enable the consumer to interact with images in new and exciting ways. InfoTrends Photo Capture Trends Service will examine existing and emerging technologies and how they are affecting the photo capture market. Digital imaging hardware vendors and software/service providers will benefit from learning how consumers are capturing, saving, and sharing photos and video.

Photo Output Trends European Service
Photo output behaviors are in a transitional phase as photo printing numbers decline and the photo merchandise market experiences growth. InfoTrends believes there is opportunity within both of these segments as printing from connected devices becomes easier and customized photo merchandise enters a new generation of products. InfoTrends’ Photo Output Trends European Service will examine this trend among others in the photo output market and provide solutions for retailers, photo print providers, photo merchandise manufacturers, and photo service providers.

These services both include consumer research, profiles of existing vendors and emerging technology providers, analysis of important industry developments, and forecasts that include imaging activities and related revenue. The service includes:

Year-round support for marketing, product planning, product development, and strategic development decisions
Continuous information flow with daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, and annual deliverables
Inquiry access to experienced staff
Convenient online access to published deliverables

For more information on these services, please contact Jennie Lewis at  +44 1983 289794  or




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