Sun Chemical will introduce its latest environmentally friendly ink for pad printing, alongside its wide range of functional and decorative products for plastic and rubber applications at K 2016, which takes place from 19-26 October in Düsseldorf Germany.
Sun Chemical and its German screen printing division, Coates Screen Inks GmbH, will showcase the new regulatory compliant ink for a wide range of substrates and applications. The pad printing ink is free from a number of raw materials including BPA, cyclohexanone, butyl glycolate and aromatic hydrocarbons making it environmentally friendly and safe to use for food, drink and medical applications.The new ink, which will be part of Sun Chemical’s SunPad range of inks, is compliant with RoHS, REACH and EuPIA standards and meets the EU Toy Safety DirectiveDIN EN ISO 71-3:2013 as well as USP Class VI – Certificate for medical applications.
The ink can be applied to a number of substrates including hard PVC, acrylic, polystyrene, duroplastics, polyester, thermoplastics, metals and varnished surfaces and can be used in a wide range of applications including bottle caps, medical syringes, toys, mobile phones and many more.
Located in the ESMA Pavillion, Sun Chemical will also illustrate its market knowledge and capabilities for automotive/high tech, plastics decoration, pad printing, functional print and printed electronics, by demonstrating its products for these sectors including:
SunHytek for automotive and hitech applications
SunPad for pad printing
SunCarte for laminated plastic cards
SunPromo graphic inks for plastic applications
SunPoly plastic container inks
Robin McMillan, Product Manager - Industrial and Graphics Europe Screen Division, comments: “The K show is a great platform for us to present our industrial and screen inks to these varied market sectors. K has a strong visitor audience across a number of industries for plastics and rubber applications and following the success we saw at K 2013, it’s only natural for us to exhibit again. Visitors to our stand will benefit from our market insight and experience to see that we are the ideal ink partner.”
Sun Chemical