Barbieri electronic has introduced a new edition of its spectrophotometer Spectro Swing which will be available in two versions: version R for reflective and version RT for reflective and transmissive materials.

spectroswing_paper.gifThe company has also redesigned the units and claim it now runs faster as well as runs under the Mac platform too. An upgrade to cater for reflective and transmissive functioning can be made by software.

"The new Spectro Swing R is an entry model for professional users which want to be open for the future and reserve the possibility to upgrade in a second step to transparent measurements too allowing them to get the right colours also on transparent media such as backlit, which become more and more important in the digital imaging marketplace," said Wolfgang Passler, marketing & sales manager of Barbieri Electronic.

The company claim the new models are about 30% faster than their predecessors.

Barbieri Electronic has been able to get the new Spectro Swing (R and RT) approximately 30 percent faster than his predecessor. Profile-Xpert Gateway, the measuring software, gives users the opportunity to use the Spectro Swing and Spectro LFP together with almost every third party Rip and profiling creation software.

cielab Pty Ltd


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