Bannershop is closed. All we know is in a brief message on their website. Over its 18-year history in Australia, Bannershop has not been without controversy, initially shipping jobs offshore before changing to local production. Its online customer service reviews have been mainly in the negative.

 Bannershop banner


*Thank You for Your Support*

After 18 wonderful years of serving our customers in Australia, we have made the difficult decision to cease trading. We want to extend our heartfelt gratitude to all of our loyal customers for your support and trust over the years. Your patronage has meant the world to us, and we are truly grateful and thankful to your support.

Thank you for being a part of our journey!

Warmest regards,



Bannershop LidcombeBannershop's Lidcombe, Sydney premises


The last article we published about Bannershop was in 2008:

Bannershop's Malaysian website still appears to be operational and says this about the company:

" About BannerSHOP - Founded in 2006, BannerSHOP has expanded into an organization with over a hundred of employees across Malaysia, Hong Kong & Australia. We care about our customer needs and providing professional and efficient digital printing, exhibition decoration, installation and graphic design services to the market. All these are benefits to our customers and we successfully became the market leader in digital printing industry."

A quick ASIC search shows that all interstate registrations of Bannershop are cancelled but Bannership International Pty Ltd is still registered. The last documents lodged with ASIC were on 16th January 2025 namely:

'Change to Company Details Appointment or Cessation of A (484E) Company Officeholder'

More about this as it comes to hand. If you think you can shed any light on why Bannershop has closed, please email me on


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