The latest floorplan for next year's premier industry event, PacPrint, continues to grow, with the show still seven months away. No doubt those companies who have not yet booked space will do so early in the new year or before. There are still great spaces available but the Halls look to be around 70% committed already.
Australia's first PacPrint to be held in Sydney is shaping up under Visual Connection's CEO Peter Harper and team. Peter has just two months to go before he retires and, as always, is working hard to get the halls filled. Some exhibitor companies may have different financial years or longer decision-making times and book in in the new year, but stands can be put on hold to secure good spots while the corporate wheels are in motion.
The Sydney venue this time is also more convenient for New Zealand, NSW and Queensland visitors - when held in Melbourne, Victorian PacPrint attendance is typically 60-70% of the total since it's easy for shopfloor staff and students to attend also, boosting the numbers.Ball & Doggett's stand at PacPrint 2022 was made entirely of Envirocore recyclable materials. Its proposed stand at PacPrint 2025 is eight times larger.
PacPrint is not just a print trade expo - it's a celebration of community, a proud statement of the importance of the broader printing and packaging industry to the business, educational and government worlds. Networking and sharing are major factors in success Staged almost one year after the iconic Drupa trade fair in Germany, PacPrint should reflect the commercialisation of many of the technologies shown there.
So, suppliers, book or put stands on hold now - if you miss out what business opportunities have you lost and what have you gained?
As the PacPrint tagline reads, it's all about: