One of the world's finest print history foundations, St Bride's of London, just off Fleet Street, is organising a global online 'Wayzgoose' to celebrate all things Letterpress. ANZ Letterpress shops and museums are invited to post up on Instagram on Sunday 28th April between 11am and 4pm GMT and join in the fun!
The Penrith, NSW, Print Museum's exhibits are sure to be popular at the April 28th Instagram 'Wayzgoose'
But what is a 'Wayzgoose' we hear you ask? Wiki explains it as " A Wayzgoose was at one time an entertainment given by a master printer to his workmen each year on or about St Bartholomew's Day. It marked the traditional end of summer and the start of the season of working by candlelight. Later, the word came to refer to an annual outing and dinner for the staff of a printing works or the printers of a newspaper."
The origin of the word Wayzgoose is most like from the Dutch word "Weg(s)huis" (although some say is could mean 'fattened goose.') This word (literally, "way house") was one of A 16thC Wayzgoose feast - not a goose in sightseveral words meaning the English "Inn" and was figuratively used for "a Banquet". In modern times, the tradition has been adopted by printing, publishing and educational establishments in Australia, New Zealand, UK, Canada, the USA and other places, as a fun excuse for an outing, picnic, a few drinks and yarns.