Motorsport fanatic Shane Fowler has wrapped and stickered some famous drivers' cars but he also does trucks, machinery and, well anything. His latest masterpiece is a reflective-wrapped truck for Benedict Sand & Gravel.
Safe and prominent at night, Benedict's trucks used Shane's Signs and Oralite 5600A reflective
Shane Fowler started Shane's Signs in 2007, after completing a TAFE signwriting Certificate III. His passion for motorsport soon cut in and where better to be than the Nirvana of all things fast and grrr-rowly, than Bathurst?
Established in 1966, Benedict is an Australian family owned and operated company that has grown from a small haulage contractor, to one of the largest producers and resellers of quarried, recycled and landscape products in New South Wales. They carry around 50 million tonnes of quarried material across six NSW sites. With a fleet of Kenworth trucks to brand and make safe and stand out in the dark by using reflective media, Benedict turned to Shane's Signs.
The team at Shane's Signs completed and installed this stunning wrap in ORAFOL reflective materials., making it absolutely pop at night!
Material used was Orafol's ORALITE 5600RA - a Fleet engineer grade reflective marking film and digital print media featuring superior glass bead reflective performance for emergency and commercial vehicle graphics. ORALITE® 5600 is very bright and crisp from dusk to dawn, and also during poor weather conditions. The retro-reflective properties act as a safety mechanism when headlights and street lights bounce off the film, alerting oncoming traffic and pedestrians to be aware. Oralite 5600A typically lasts for 6 years printed and laminated or 7 years unprinted. It can be printed using all ink types plus screen print.