Orafol's highly successful series of vehicle wrapping courses has seen a boost to Western Australia's skills with the certification of six new Level 3 Advanced wrappers. Led by Orafol Creative Hub manager Trent Byrnes, the WA class graduated with flying colours.
Orafol Creative Hub Manager Trent Byrnes (far L) with the WA Advanced wrap class
Western Australia, has boosted its vehicle wrapping skill pool with the certification of six more practitioners who have become ORAFOL Certified Installers.
Orafol congratulates the recent Level 3 Advanced Vehicle Wrap Certification Course graduates, all from WA. " These talented vehicle wrappers have really earned their exclusive Orafol certification," the company says.
In this intensive Level 3 one-day course, delegates showcased their expertise in vehicle wrapping, mastering various materials such as reflective sheeting, printed graphics and solid colour wrapping and paint replacement films.
Orafol's renowned courses include:
- Level 1 - Beginners/Foundation Course: Learn the fundamentals of self-adhesive materials and basic installation practices
- Level 2 - Intermediate Vehicle Wrap Training Course: Dive deeper into material selection and application techniques, especially of ORAFOL products. Plus, tackle wrapping more complex vehicle surfaces
- Level 3 - Advanced Vehicle Wrap Certification Course: Perfect your craft by exploring and applying advanced vinyl wrapping techniques to earn an esteemed ORAFOL certification
Upcoming courses include Adelaide (Level 2 Intermediate) from September 20th-21st - this course if fully subscribed.
Next on the horizon is a 2-day Auto Restyling course in Melbourne from October 25th-26th - places still available at time of writing.
Parties interested in joining or advancing in the world of creative vehicle wrapping can contact Trent Byrnes on: