A record crowd gathered in Brisbane for the annual ASGA Queensland Golf Day, enjoying the Ambrose competition, networking and fine dining at Brookwater Golf Club. “Congratulations to the winning team from HEXIS and thanks to everyone for a fantastic day of friendly competition and networking,” said ASGA.
The Winners! Team Hexis 1 – James Melville, Paul Shannon, Ian Parsonson and Brendan Dawson with Damian Nielsen (2nd from right) (all photos courtesy ASGA)
A record attendance this year
A total of 96 players – the largest attendance ever at the popular annual event – tee’d off for the event with a shotgun start at 8am, following a quick breakfast. Players enjoyed a round of Ambrose golf, with plenty of prizes and challenges along the way, before gathering back at the club house for a BBQ Buffet lunch and prize presentations.
The winning team this year was Hexis Team 1 (photo above), comprising (from left) James Melville – Gold Coast Signs & Plastics; Paul Shannon – Signmakers, Gold Coast; Ian Parsonson – HEXIS Australia; ASGA Vice-President Damian Nielsen (presenting the award); and Brendan Dawson – Face It Graphics, Gold Coast. James, Brendan and Ian were back to defend their title from last year with Paul stepping in to bring his talent to the team this year for the first time. Mick Harrold, ASGA President
ASGA President Mick Harrold says: "Our Golf Days are always great events, and play an important role in keeping our members connected and building the strong networks which are so vital to the sustainability and success of the sign and graphics sector. The Brisbane Golf Day is growing in popularity every year, and this week's event follows on from an equally pleasing turnout to our Sydney Golf Day in March. We are looking forward to catching up with more industry colleagues and friends at our next Golf Day in Melbourne on 4th October."
Damian Lean, Amari Visual (r), presents Runners Up team captain, with Damian Nielsen (l)
Team Hexis
Team Orafol
Team Signarama