The Penrith Museum of Printing needs to raise around $5,000 to decommission and relocate a Heidelberg Cylinder letterpress machine it has acquired following the closure of the last letterpress newspaper in Australia, the Don Dorrigo Gazette, after 113 years. The Museum has set up a crowdfunding website via and all donations, no matter how small, are welcomed and will receive a certificate of appreciation once the press is working again.
Pictured with the Heidelberg Cylinder press is the late John English, whose family ran the Don Dorrigo Gazette for 113 years. This is a rare press, made in 1939 and stored during WW2 until Heidelberg resumed sales and manufacturing in 1949 under the US Marshall plan.
The Penrith Museum of Printing, run by dedicated volunteers, is seeking to raise the cost of transporting the 5-tonne press 575km from the NSW hinterland town of Dorrigo, all the way down the M1 to Penrith. It's a specialist operation costing around $5,000 plus restoration and, as an NFP, the Museum needs to watch every cent of its meagre funds so has turned to to raise the transport costs.
Every person or organisation donating will receive a certificate of appreciation, printed on the 1939 letterpress machine, once it is up and running again at the PMOP.
Support, no matter how small, is very much welcomed and can easily be made through the mycause crowdfunding website on the following link: