Michael Blazek and Duncan Read's Award-winning Neon Signs Australia is closing after 33 years. Blazek is known as a past President of ASGA and over time, has accumulated many collectible neon signs and intends to find a display/exhibition home for them.
Michael Blaznek of Neon Signs Australia with some of his work. Closing shop in September
Neon Signs Australia P/L of East Brisbane will be closing its roller door at the end of September after 33 years of making neon and installing neon signs in Brisbane and throughout the country. Both partners, Duncan Read, and Michael Blazek, will continue to dabble in the craft they continue to love, but in their own time and Blaznek famously restored the neon XXXX beer man in Brisbaneinclination.
Over the past fifteen years Michael salvaged over one hundred neon signs from businesses that have closed, relocated or upgraded their signage. These signs were not intended to be repurposed as advertising signs. Rather they have become collectibles. These antique signs harken back to a time before LED modules and moving message signs dominated the market, when the neon sign became the best option for attracting customers. The fact that some are still working perfectly 20-25 years later is a testament to their lasting value.
Michael is looking for an opportunity to exhibit these fabulous works of the Australian neon sign industry from the past 60 years in a public arena, similar to the Neon Museum in Las Vegas or the Museum of Neon Art (MONA) in Los Angeles.
If you would like to be part of this new adventure, or know someone who would, please contact Michael Blazek on 0407 890 757 or michael@neonsign.com.au