Troy Cavanagh of Melbourne wide format business ImageBox represented the inaugural FESPA Future Leaders Program and FESPA Australia at the FESPA Global Print Expo in Munich, Germany and says it was "a fantastic experience." Applications for the Future Leaders Program 2023 are due to open in mid-July.
Future Leader Troy Cavanagh of ImageBox presents at FESPA 2023
The inaugural FESPA Future Leaders Program was launched in July 2022. 12 industry candidates were shortlisted from all the applicants to attend a 2-day leadership workshop held in October prior to the FESPA Annual Conference in Sydney. Troy Cavanagh was selected by the leadership cohort to represent the group.
“The FESPA Future Leaders Program has been a great opportunity to meet and network with like-minded people within the print industry,” Cavanagh said this week. “Right from the moment we all met at the leadership workshop, the cohort created an instant bond, more so as we were all experiencing similar workplace issues and looking for similar answers. Carl Harman, the program facilitator, certainly connected with us all and along with FESPA Australia, delivered an outstanding Future Leaders Program.
“As the year has progressed the strong connection within the cohort has remained in a positive and supportive manner and has developed and grown into a wider network amongst suppliers and other print companies.
“A number of the Future Leaders cohort, supported by their employers, were lucky to travel to Germany to attend the recent FESPA GPE where the networking and bonding continued throughout the whole event. Some of us also had the valuable experience of a tour and overnight stay in Brixen where we visited the Durst Headquarters before heading off to the FESPA trade show.
“As the appointed Future Leader, I was asked to present to the 37 country associations at the FESPA Secretaries meeting. It was great to be able to meet, network and present to the representatives, relay my personal experience within the industry and to outline the current situation in Australia, while at the same time hearing how other countries were overcoming problems they were experiencing. It was a truly valuable experience.
“The people I met during the Secretaries meeting were a great lead into the FESPA Global Print Expo, where you would see your connections at various trade stands and within Club FESPA that is situated at the show. All of this culminating at the amazing final night dance party at the end of a whirlwind week.
“The FESPA trade show, being my first grand expo, was a fantastic experience, seeing and learning about different technologies, speaking to international representatives gives you a great insight as to what is going on in different countries. There is always one little tip that answers a question you have.
“My motto for this trip was ‘when an opportunity presents itself, make the most of it!’ it’s fair to say I certainly achieved more than I was expecting.”
Call For Applicants for the FESPA Future Leaders Program 2023, will be available mid-July. Selected candidates will attend the Future Leaders workshop over two days in Sydney 1-2 November 2023. For further information, email