Bruce Connelly of Giclee Media Supplies has announced that it's recently introduced InkjetPro Premium Edition Canvas and its Australian made coating Aquathane - UV have exceeded 51 years in light fastness testing conducted at the USA's Image Permenance Institute. The tests are ongoing and use genuine Epson 9800 Ultrachrome K3 inks.

Connelly states, "As canvas is usually displayed without a protective glass coating, many light fastness ratings published on canvas and signage websites are inflated as they assume the usage of at least 2mm of soda lime glass.

"Additional inaccuracies that may mislead the buying public as to the longevity of the product occur by the quoting of results published for one media type when actually using another.

"When tested under more realistic circumstances – without glass, canvas longevity ratings often drop by over 23% and the products fail in less than 50 years using the same illuminates and ink.

"GMS has had independent tests conducted to ANSI/NAPM IT9.9-1996 end point criteria using a D50 fluorescent source at an independent institution – the USA's Image Permeance Institute – Rochester Institute of Technology. While these tests are ongoing the combination of InkjetPro Premium Edition Canvas and Aquathane – UV have exceeded the 50-year barrier without the protection of glass.

"Aquathane-UV is proudly Australian made and designed for the protection of water resistant inkjet canvas displayed under harsh Australian conditions. Aquathane-UV features a flexible urethane based coating that doesn't stick in extreme Australian heat and has now been independently tested not to discolour the underlying product for more than 51 years of exposure. 

Similar canvas tests:  page 2

Giclee Media Supplies Plty Ltd


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