Giclee Media Supplies (GMS) is announcing the immediate availability of  its genuine 100% cotton Natural Bright Canvas.

This is one of Australia's few genuine 100% cotton products that features the authentic frayed thread irregular look combined with a seedless construction.

The new Natural Bright product represents excellent value for money being 15 % thicker and 20% longer per roll than its nearest competitor while featuring Eterna Media's new ultra bright european made Sirius coating system.

The Sirius coating system gives traditional looking canvas products the impact of  modern cotton polyester products while preserving the underlying texture and supple stretching property of pure cotton. The product features no optical brighteners in the clear top coating and is highly crack and flake resistant.

The new canvas is fully compatible with GMS's  Australian made Aquathane protective coating and its Giclee Bar stretcher bar system, including the new 50mm deep Royal Bars.

When mounted over the Royal Bars and coated with Gloss Aquathane the new Natural Bright canvas gives great visual impact with a much higher perceived value than is possible from  more contrived cotton/polyester products.

For those seeking even greater visual impact and texture, GMS is set to announce availability of its top of the line canvas product - InkJet Pro Royal Edition at PMA in Brisbane. This product which will become available in limited quantities in 3Q 2008 and compliments the new Natural Bright by offering similar visual impact but with the highest texture of any inkjet product available in the world today.

Giclee Media Supplies

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