FESPA Textile, formerly FESPA Fabric, will open its doors alongside FESPA Digital 2016, at the RAI Amsterdam from 8-11 March 2016.
Occupying a dedicated hall of 7,342 m2, with textile equipment and applications on display throughout many wider areas of the FESPA Digital show. Visitors will have every opportunity to investigate the most appropriate digital textile solutions for their business. As the most comprehensive showcase of textile print technologies and applications in Europe in 2016, the event is not to be missed. As the recent FESPA Print Census (see editorial notes) showed, textile is one of the fastest growing areas of digital print globally, with 81% of respondents viewing it as key for their business. Roz McGuinness, FESPA Divisional Director comments: “The results of our FESPA Print Census highlighted that textile printing for garments and décor are huge growth areas, with textile printing for soft signage not far behind. With this in mind, rebranding the former FESPA Fabric as FESPA Textile was a logical solution. We know that textile covers many different areas, from garments, to interiors, banners and beyond, and we are confident that next year’s event will be a key launch platform for many technology innovations in this dynamic segment of speciality print.”
FESPA Textile 2016 features exhibits from suppliers offering equipment, consumables, substrates and apparel solutions including: Brother, Bullmer, Kiian Digital, INX Digital, Pongs, Screen Europe, MS Printing Solutions, Stahls and Kornit Digital. Visitors will be guided to textile exhibits and content by the icon of Textilewoman, one of a line-up of FESPA Digital superheroes. She will help printers locate new opportunities in soft signage, apparel printing (including garment print & decoration and embroidery) and interior décor.
On Tuesday 8th March, the FESPA Digital Textile Conference is also taking place, alongside the exhibition, making it easy for visitors to combine with their time at the show. A full day of interesting sessions ranging from Insights into the growth & creative development of digital textiles markets with Ron Gilboa of Infotrends, to Growing your business with fabric printing by Daniel Arzt of Sun Ski Sport sro, means that attendees are sure to gain useful knowledge on how to diversify into this potentially lucrative field.
Those visitors with a leaning towards fashion will benefit from attending the Q&A session with Basso & Brooke, pioneers of the digital print process in fashion. Winning the accolade of ‘Best New Designers’ at the Elle Style Awards, this partnership is a proven success story of the use of textile in the fashion world.
Roz McGuinness concludes: “With the Census highlighting that textile printing capabilities and equipment purchases are high on the agenda with over one fifth of respondents, FESPA Textile is set to be a key event in printers’ diaries. And, as always, we are committed to helping printers understand the opportunities open to them and how to make the right investments.”
For more information on FESPA Textile 2016 including a full exhibitor list, visitor information and event registration, go to www.fespatextile.com. Information on the Digital Textile Conference can also be found here. Entry to the exhibition automatically includes entry to FESPA Digital 2016, European Sign Expo and Printeriors.
Visitors who register online before 15th January 2016 will have free access to all of the FESPA events from 8-11 March 2016; registration after this date will be subject to a €40.00 entry fee.