With an array of two newly developed print heads, the printer is capable of printing up to 32sqm/h at 540x720dpi. Furthermore, the machine can achieve a printing speed of 17.7sqm/h in 6-colour mode at the same resolution, responding to the needs for superior quality prints, with minimal amount of grainy appearance and smooth gradations. These features make the printer suitable for both large-sized soft signs and apparel applications, which
require quick response and fine image quality.
In addition to increased print speed, various useful functions also contribute to the improved productivity of the machine by enabling automated continuous operation.
The UISS function (*1) enables setting two ink cartridges per colour in 4-colour mode. When an ink cartridge is used up, the system switches automatically to the second cartridge of the same colour, preventing down-time as a result of ink cartridge change.
MBIS (*2) provides a large volume of continuous ink supply with 2-litre ink aluminium bags. As a result, ink costs and environmental footprints are substantially reduced.
The Automatic drying fan (*3) increases the ink drying speed remarkably, enabling continuous media take-up even during high speed printing. Consequently, printing efficiency improves dramatically.
(*1) UISS (Uninterrupted Ink Supply System) * Effective only at 4-colour mode
(*2) MBIS (Mimaki Bulk Ink System)
(*3) Automatic drying fan is optional.
DGS Mimaki

In addition to increased print speed, various useful functions also contribute to the improved productivity of the machine by enabling automated continuous operation.
The UISS function (*1) enables setting two ink cartridges per colour in 4-colour mode. When an ink cartridge is used up, the system switches automatically to the second cartridge of the same colour, preventing down-time as a result of ink cartridge change.
MBIS (*2) provides a large volume of continuous ink supply with 2-litre ink aluminium bags. As a result, ink costs and environmental footprints are substantially reduced.
The Automatic drying fan (*3) increases the ink drying speed remarkably, enabling continuous media take-up even during high speed printing. Consequently, printing efficiency improves dramatically.
(*1) UISS (Uninterrupted Ink Supply System) * Effective only at 4-colour mode
(*2) MBIS (Mimaki Bulk Ink System)
(*3) Automatic drying fan is optional.
DGS Mimaki